Biotech Miracle seeking to end big pharma’s monopoly on a $28 billion industry

Why one little known company is disrupting a $28 billion big pharma cartel.

Research By Streetlight Confidential

July 27, 2024

Here are 8 surprising reasons why getting on the ground floor now could potentially make windfall profits

Let me tell you about how a little-known company – Cybin (NYSE:CYBN) – could help patients almost eradicate their depression, PTSD, anxiety, and other brain diseases … and significantly improve treatment for Alzheimer’s.

Read below for a brief summary of 8 surprising reasons an investment in Cybin (NYSE:CYBN) could potentially turn into handsome gains. You’ll find all the details inside The Billion Dollar Brain Reboot, so claim your free copy today below:

Here are the 8 Surprising Reasons:


Reason #1: Saving Millions from Diseases of the Brain

Mental disorders are finally being recognized for what they are: not illnesses of the mind, but diseases of the brain. You see, one of the most prevalent modern diseases of the brain is depression, a disorder that affects 1 in 4 people.

If you yourself have not suffered from this debilitating disease, you undoubtedly know someone who has. It has a terrible impact on the lives of sufferers and their families.

And it has a $2.5 trillion indirect impact on the global economy .

Unfortunately, big pharma has all but given up in its search for a treatment. SSRI’s were the industry’s last major discovery … in 1988.

Since then, it’s been crickets while drug companies have turned their attention elsewhere.

But decades worth of research from prestigious institutions has finally caught the attention of the medical authorities with the most clout, including the Yale School of Medicine, New York’s Mt. Sinai School of Medicine, and many others.

The research and government support are making big strides in bringing the undiscovered compounds into highly controlled, legal medicines.

And Cybin is leading the competition in bringing those medicines to market. As you’ll see below, it already has a product in phase II trials.

How this little pill could become irrelevant with  Cybin's new therapy.

Reason #2: Safer than Prescription Drugs!

Unlike current pharmaceutical drugs, Cybin’s new therapy isn’t addictive. In fact, it’s nearly impossible to die from an overdose. And its new pharmaceutical solutions generally has few side effects, as well.

This is contrary to what most people experience with many prescription drugs and illegal drugs, which usually come with a laundry list of major side-effects.

It is estimated that prescription drugs kill 100,000 Americans every year … even when properly used. Opioid overdoses kill another 14,000 people per year.

Thanks to this incredible research, Cybin is commercializing the powerful, active compounds in a way that has never been done before.

Reason #3: The Intractable Mental Health Crisis

The market for a new solution is huge and the numbers are chilling:

  • 5.2 million people in the U.S. alone suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and are desperately seeking more effective alternatives to current treatments.
  • According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 264 million people globally are suffering from depression.
  • The WHO reports that 1 in 4 people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives.
  • More than 700 million people worldwide suffer from a form of mental illness, addiction or eating disorder – all finally recognized as the brain diseases they are – for which the Cybin active compounds could be helpful.
  • The National Centre for Biotechnology Information estimates that depression and other “brain diseases” have direct and indirect costs as high as $2.5 trillion worldwide.

Frustratingly for sufferers and caregivers alike, many current therapies aren’t working.

It can take months to find the right medication,one to two months to see any improvement, and some people can wind up on pharmaceuticals for years.

According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 25% of sufferers are on antidepressants for more than 10 years.

Those who stop taking medication do so because they can’t deal with the side effects which can include:

  • anxiety,
  • sexual dysfunction,
  • weight gain,
  • nausea,
  • insomnia
  • And fatigue.

Yet it seems Big Pharma has pretty much thrown in the towel on developing new mental health drugs. Cybin’s product could potentially change this situation for millons. That makes the company a potentially attractive investment opportunity.

Medicinal Use of Certain Compounds Has Growing Support

Reason #4: New Research Has Government Support

The U.S. federal government is encouraging the research on this new therapy at prestigious medical institutions like John Hopkins University and others.

In short, it means one of the biggest hurdles to market entry isn’t a hurdle at all. Rather, new government support is helping the research progress and smoothing the way for the first FDA Approvals.

Reason #5: A Drug Already in Phase 2 Trials

Research has demonstrated the power of Cybin’s new compound. A study published just last November in JAMA Psychiatry said: “This…therapy was efficacious in producing large, rapid, and sustained antidepressant effects in patients with major depressive disorder.”

Better yet, there is also evidence that it may also be helpful for anorexia nervosa, PTSD, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, and substance abuse.

And Cybin is way ahead of its competitors, having developed a synthetic compound drug — currently known as CYB001 — which is already in clinical trials.

More importantly, we expect them to lead to the FDA granting CYB001 “Breakthrough Therapy” designation. That would expedite the development and review of CYB001.

Cybin's Phase II clinical study is underway

Reason #6: A Proprietary – Revolutionary – Drug Delivery Technology

Not only is Cybin ahead of the game in bringing its revolutionary new compound treatment to market, but it has also developed a breakthrough drug delivery system.

Today, most drugs are taken as pills. This has significant downside that you’ve probably experienced yourself.

There is low bioavailability and first-pass metabolism, slow onset of action, and instability in stomach acid interferes with the medicine’s effectiveness.

Then there’s also the fact that pills need to be swallowed, and most people require some liquid to get it down without some trouble. That’s unpleasant for many. For others, it’s a downright phobia.

All of those problems go away with the innovative delivery system that Cybin has developed and registered with the patents office.

With its new way to take medicine, it not only increases the drug’s bioavailability in the patient, but also results in faster onset of action. And the medicine can be taken anytime orally without the need of water.

Easier, faster, more effective ingestion of the medicine should make this new drug the go-to-product for potentially millions, increasing the company’s revenue stream, and investors’ potential gains.

Reason #7: Breakthrough Neuroimaging Technology Proving CYB001 works.

This will make a big difference in proving to regulators that CYB001 works. That’s because Cybin has partnered with a brain-computer interface (BCI) pioneer.

Thus, it can apply Kernel’s Flow for real-time quantification of brain activity to conduct research on the active compounds for treatment of mental health disorders.

In other words, using the brain-computer interface technology, researchers can immediately see the affect the new compound has on a patient’s brain.

The ability to collect quantitative data from drug development programs with Kernel’s Flow is game-changing. It enables the measurement of where the compound is working in the brain in real-time, and how companies ultimately design their future therapeutics.

This provides the hard evidence that regulators, the FDA, and Health Canada seek. Not subjective ratings of trial participants.

How Cybin is partnered with Kernel Technology for neuroimaging

There are so many more reasons why the work Cybin is doing could prove to be potentially rewarding investors. Because we can’t cover them all here, in the detail they deserve, we’ve created a special report entitled The Billion Dollar Brain Reboot, which we’d like to send to you immediately, just click here.

Perhaps one of the most motivating reasons for our excitement about Cybin is this next one…

Reason #8: Great scientific minds and proven management team.

There is one thing that tips an investment opportunity from great into irresistible for the Streetlight Confidential.

What is that you ask?

The leader and management team driving the company. And Cybin has what we consider some incredible minds leading the company forward. These include:

Reason #8

Click to learn what takes this stock from great to irresitible or claim your copy of The Billion Dollar Brain Reboot Today for Free.

Doug Drysdale

Doug Drysdale

Chief Executive Officer

This is a man who has chaired the board of directors of one Nasdaq-listed company already and has been a CEO for the past 12 years. He’s built and turned around 3 pharmaceutical companies.

During his 30 years of experience in the healthcare sector, he has formed cohesive management teams, recruited board members, completed 15 acquisitions across three continents and raised $4 billion of both public and private capital.

He spent five-and-a-half years as CEO of Alvogen Group, the parent company of Norwich Pharmaceuticals. In that position, he grew the company from inception to $450 million in revenues across 35 countries. He was also the head of mergers and acquisitions at Actavis Group, during which time he led 15 acquisitions across three continents.

In short, this is a man who knows a thing or two about this industry and how to lead a company to massive market share and revenue growth … all of which benefit shareholders.

Alex Nivorozhkin PhD

Alex Nivorozhkin PhD

Chief Science Officer

He is the lead new chemical entity (NCE) inventor of multiple successfully partnered drug discovery and development programs. He is the technology developer of the proprietary formulations for central nervous system (CNS) drugs. Above all, he is a seasoned medicinal chemist, drug delivery expert and founder of multiple biotech companies.

Brett Greene

Brett Greene

Chief Innovation Officer

A recognized leader in psychedelics and co-founder of Psymposia, Mr. Greene was research administrator for the Center for Drug Discovery – one of the top Cannabinoid and Serotonin research centers in the world – longer than a decade.

He has co-managed more than $80 million in federal funding for cannabinoid and serotonin research and co-managed the NIDA-sponsored Chemistry & Pharmacology of Drug Abuse conference for five years.

Alex Belser, PHD

Alex Belser, PHD

Chief Clinical Advisor

Mr. Belser has been active in psychedelic research for 20 years, and has worked as a licensed psychologist, clinical supervisor, and psychedelic researcher at Yal in clinical trials.

He’s even had research featured on the front page of The New York Times, The Atlantic, The New Yorker, The Guardian, VICE, and in Michael Pollan’s book, How to Change Your Mind.

Now is the best time to read all of Streetlight Confidential newsletter research on Cybin (NYSE:CYBN) to find out why we believe it could potentially reward investors handsomely as it leads the way to bringing the first of Cybin’s new compound drug to market.

What makes this opportunity even more urgent is that Big Pharma could trigger rapid movement in this area. When they begin acquiring companies or technologies, it will validate the work Cybin is doing and potentially drive up the sector.

All you need to do is agree to take a no-risk look at our work at the Streetlight Confidential newsletter and we’ll immediately send you a free copy of the special report, The Billion Dollar Brain Reboot, we have prepared on this opportunity.

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Now, because this potential profit opportunity with Cybin is so exciting, we’re slashing the trial annual subscription fee so you’ll be encouraged to try it risk-free.

Through this special offer only, you can grab a 100% risk-free, 1-year gold memebership trial for just $39. It’s risk-free because, if you don’t like what you see once you’ve signed up, you can cancel within 30 days for a full refund.

Regardless, you’ll immediately get the free report detailing more of this revolutionary treatment that could find bring millions of people some relief from their debilitating brain diseases, plus two extra free reports.

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IMPORTANT NOTICE AND DISCLAIMER: All investments are subject to risk, which must be considered on an individual basis before making any investment decision. This paid advertisement includes a stock profile of Cybin, Inc. (NYSE:CYBN) Streetlight Confidential is an investment newsletter being advertised herein. This paid advertisement is intended solely for information and educational purposes and is not to be construed under any circumstances as an offer to buy or sell, or as a solicitation to buy or sell, any securities. In an effort to enhance public awareness of NYSE:CYBN, provided advertising agencies with a total budget of approximately one million, one hundred ninety two thousand, six hundred seventy dollars, $1,642,670 dollars to cover the costs associated with creating, printing and distribution of this advertisement March 4, 2021- October 30, 2021. Payor has represented to advertising agencies in writing that this advertising campaign is funded by NYSE:CYBN, to be profiled in this advertisement after Streetlight Confidential conducted an investigation of the company and its management. Streetlight Confidential was paid thirty-five thousand dollars as a research fee. In addition, Streetlight Confidential may receive subscription revenue in the future from new subscribers as a result of this advertisement. The advertising agencies will retain any excess sums after all expenses are paid. During the period of time this advertisement is being disseminated, neither Streetlight Confidential, the advertising agencies, nor their respective officers, principals, or affiliates (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Rule 501(b) promulgated thereunder) and will, receive or sell such securities of Cybin, Inc. for not less than 90 days following the conclusion of this advertising campaign. The Payor has represented in writing to Streetlight Confidential and the advertising agencies that neither it nor its officers, principals, or affiliates (as defined in the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Rule 501(b) promulgated thereunder) owns or beneficially owns any securities of the NYSE:CYBN or will purchase, receive, or sell any such securities for not less than 90 days following the conclusion of this advertising campaign. If successful, this advertisement will increase investor and market awareness, which may result in an increased number of shareholders owning and trading the securities of NYSE:CYBN, increased trading volume, and possibly an increased share price of NYSE:CYBN securities, which may be temporary. This advertisement, the advertising agencies and Streetlight Confidential do not purport to provide a complete analysis of NYSE:CYBN’s financial position. They are not, and do not purport to be, broker-dealers or registered investment advisors. This advertisement is not, and should not be construed to be, personalized investment advice directed to or appropriate for any particular investor. Any investment should be made only after consulting a registered broker-dealer or registered investment advisor or doing your own research if you do not utilize an investment professional to make decisions on what securities to buy and sell and only after reviewing the financial statements and other pertinent publicly-available information about NYSE:CYBN and its industry. Further, readers are specifically urged to read and carefully consider the Risk Factors identified and discussed in NYSE:CYBN SEC filings. Investing in microcap securities such as NYSE:CYBN is speculative and carries a high degree of risk. Past performance does not guarantee future results. This advertisement is based exclusively on information generally available to the public and does not contain any material, non-public information. The information on which it is based is believed to be reliable. Nevertheless, the advertising agencies and Streetlight Confidential cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information and are not responsible for any errors or omissions. This advertisement contains forward-looking statements, including statements regarding expected continual growth of NYSE:CYBN and/or their industry. The advertising agencies and Streetlight Confidential note that statements contained herein that look forward in time, which include everything other than historical information, involve risks and uncertainties that may affect NYSE:CYBN actual results of operations. Factors that could cause actual results to differ include the size and growth of the market for NYSE:CYBN products and/or services, the company’s ability to fund its capital requirements in the near term and long term, Federal and state regulatory issues pricing pressures, etc.

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